I'm pleased that the front door looks more welcoming now with its soft mass of flowers.
The back garden has also transformed itself. The purple flowers are on very tall stems. I think they may be purple loosestrife, but I'm not sure as I planted lots of seeds last year but they are taller than me.
Other plants that have emerged are the red hot pokers
The Smoke bush
Let me know if you can name these flowers...
Witch hazel
The yellow one I've been told is Kerria japonica.
Meanwhile, other parts of the garden are also flourishing, the pond is mostly covered with Lily pads. The dog has found lots of black frogs in there (and eaten the reeds). The good thing is that there is now not such a problem with green water as the sun doesn't encourage the algae to grow.
The chickens are still happy. They have had their feathers clipped again (although one still does it's daily flight over the fence) and are still laying on average 2 eggs a day.
They still love their spinach, even though you can see from this photo that it has bolted.
The wildflower bed is looking colourful, even though the weeds and grasses are taking over.
...to needing a good mow!
So this has been a very good month for the garden, despite not managing much gardening time. I hope July brings more sun.
So this has been a very good month for the garden, despite not managing much gardening time. I hope July brings more sun.