Welcome to our blog. It will follow the development of our garden from quagmire, after completion of our self-build, to a garden that reflects our eco-friendly principles. We are wanting to create a garden that meets our needs as a family but is also a wildlife friendly zone. Well that's what we are hoping, time will tell if we are successful.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Hello new plants

Thanks to the generosity of a fellow Freecycler, we now have three new shrubs in the garden. They are in temporary positions until we manage to get the landscaping organised. The one on the left is called bridal bouquet but we are not sure about the other two.

These little pink hardy geraniums came from another freecycler and are doing a good job giving us ground cover to compete with the weeds.
Meanwhile, this 'weed' is of the same family but is allowed to stay temporarily as it has some colour.
Ironically, these blue geraniums have arrived unannounced near the apple tree. They look remarkably like the ones that I have planted in the front garden.
The pond has now turned from red to green, the water levels are quite low with all the dry weather. Unfortunately, our rainwater tank is empty so we would have to put mains water in the pond. We are trying to avoid using mains water as it contains higher levels of phosphorous and nitrogen which would mean that more algae would grow. Hopefully, we will be able to get some waterplants soon but we have decided to wait until the landscaping has been done. Next step landscaping....who's got a digger?

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