Welcome to our blog. It will follow the development of our garden from quagmire, after completion of our self-build, to a garden that reflects our eco-friendly principles. We are wanting to create a garden that meets our needs as a family but is also a wildlife friendly zone. Well that's what we are hoping, time will tell if we are successful.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

A dog's garden

 The garden has had to take a back seat. In fact we're lucky if we get a chance to weed it with magic paws here. She loves to dig..

...nearly as much as she loves to chew. Here she's in the process of stealing a padded envelope. Her list of favourite things to chew are post it notes, smelly trainers, dirty tea towels, anything that's been worn for sport, not to mention wellie boots and toes!

 Rosie loves to follow me everywhere and that includes to inspect the chickens. This is her cute look, but I'm not giving in because I don't like to think what Rosie would do to them.

More to the point, I don't know what the chickens would do to Rosie, since they are considerably larger than she is!

Rosie's other favourite thing is to run from one end of the garden to the other shredding flowers and then eating any that take her fancy.

So Rosie has turned our lives upside down in only 10 days but we love it. Those sad eyes and floppy ears combined with a little tilt of her head and I'd forgive her everything.

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