Welcome to our blog. It will follow the development of our garden from quagmire, after completion of our self-build, to a garden that reflects our eco-friendly principles. We are wanting to create a garden that meets our needs as a family but is also a wildlife friendly zone. Well that's what we are hoping, time will tell if we are successful.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sunny September

This summer has been so hit and miss with the weather but somehow there have been some successes. The colours are really cheerful as the rain hits us again.

Here are the blue Salvias and the orange ones whose name slips my mind. Any guesses?

These pink ones are Zinnia and are in my safe keeping from a friend. Hopefully they will survive the dog.

 The hydrangea quasiflora is looking rather elegant despite having a mid-summer prune thanks to Rosie.
 The wild flower bed is still looking interesting with cornflowers and other plants giving colour.

 I love the luxurious dark purple of the dwarf sweet peas. I hope to collect the seeds and have more next year.
 Thanks to  my son, we now have a new Photinia (discount from garden centre) which hopefully will grow in the corner of the garden on the remaining pebbles left over from the landscaping. I was pleased because most of the flowerbeds were too full to have any more plants in them. A drastic improvement on this time last year!

 Contoneaster and
Crocosmia are setting the garden on fire with colour.

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